On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 12:10:50 +0100, Bouke Woudstra
>                 for flac in flacfiles:
>                         cmd = 'metaflac --export-tags=- "%s"' % flac
>                         for line in os.popen(cmd).readlines():
>                                 if 'Artist' in line:
>                                         artist = line[7:-1]
>                                 if 'Album' in line:
>                                         album = line[6:-1]
>                                 if 'Date' in line:
>                                         year = line[5:-1]
>                                 if 'Title' in line:
>                                         title = line[6:-1]
>                                 if 'Tracknumber' in line:
>                                         number = line[12:-1]
>                                 if 'Genre' in line:
>                                         genre = line[6:-1]
>                         self.wav2mp3(flac, title, artist, album, year, 
> number, genre)

I'll point out, there's a bug here. If any flac file is missing any
one of these tags, but a previous one does have the tag, (i.e.
'Genre'), then the previous tag will be used, because you don't reset
the variables each time around the loop.

Stephen Thorne
Development Engineer, NetBoxBlue.com

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