i have been trying to get Django running for 2 days now and it drives
me crazy.

i played with webpy a bit and it is easy to get going with. but django
seems like once you have it all up and running it will be easier.
just that the barrier of entry is much higher.

Django is indeed a bit more complex than webpy.

is django worth it? seems so ridicoulusly hard to get it running. i
run into trouble every time i advance a little, firstin the
installationa nd now in the tutorial(creating polls).

I'm a bit surprised by your report of having problems running Django. Deploying it on production can be a pain sometimes (well... I don't like sys-admin stuff anyway...), but running Django on the builtin test server with SQLite or MySQL is almost OOTB.

what do you think of webpy for big projects that need performance?

Nothing. Never tried it.

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