Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hm, thanks, now I can access my data in the functions and also write 
>  them but the program keeps terminating right at the point when the 
>  "open" function finishes. Unfortunately everything closes and I get no 
>  error messages.
>  I did some additional work in the meantime and changed my code so it has 
>  the correct datatypes now:
>  def pystreamopen (contextH, mode, pErr):
>       print "opening..."
>       print contextH.contents.dwBufferSize #just to check the structure
>       print mode      #tells about what the DLL wants to do with this stream

You program is crashing somewhere after here since mode is printed but
nothing else is

>       contextH.contents.mode = c_byte(5) #5=Permission to read and write
>       contextH.contents.lPos = c_uint(0) #start position
>       print pErr.contents
>       pErr.contents = c_uint(0)

Try commenting out these lines and see if it works, then uncomment one
at a time.

Also is that supposed to be returning something?

>  Anyway, meanwhile  decided to try a different approach. Maybe I have 
>  more luck by having the function write the data directly into a file on 
>  the HDD.
>  Doe anyone know how to translate the following into Python/ctypes?
>  I googled quite a lot before but all topic-related I found was my own 
>  posting here in this NG :S
>  pFilStrm->hFile = CreateFile(        pFilStrm->szFileName,                   
>  dwDesiredAccess,                                                             
> dwShareMode,                                                                  
>   NULL,                                                                    
>  dwCreationDisposition,
>  NULL );

use os.write and which will give you OS handles rather
than python file objects, ie I think these are a fairly direct
interface to CreatFile etc (but I could be wrong - I'm not a windows

Nick Craig-Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --

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