Lie wrote:
On May 24, 9:14 pm, Fuzzyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
For example, at Resolver Systems we expose the spreadsheet object
model to our users. It hasa public, documented, API - plus a host of
undocumented internally used methods.

We would really *much* rather hide these, because anything our
customers start using (whether documented or not) we will probably
have to continue supporting and maintaining.

Then don't document it, or separate internal documentation (which is
never to pass through the wall) and public documentation (which your
users use). Nobody would (apart from your dev team and anyone told by
your dev team, which means you may fire the person for "lack of
discipline") know that there is such a thing and in consequence
wouldn't use it.

Don't tell your user not to use something, just don't tell them that
it exists and they won't use it.

I am not familiar with the actual software, but judging from "we expose the spreadsheet object model to our users", I assume that users can discover the undocumented attributes, using Python's introspection features, like dir(obj), obj.__dict__, the inspect module, etc. So in this case, not telling them that the attributes exist, will not stop them from finding out.

Hans Nowak (zephyrfalcon at gmail dot com)

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