Kalibr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> what I want to do is have, say 5 users in a game, so I'd have to
> spawn 5 objects. I can't do that because I have'nt hardcoded any
> object names for them.

Python's built-in mapping type 'dict' is a good fit for this.


* a 'User' class that is initialised with the user's name

* some way of getting a sequence of names (that you haven't told us
  yet), that I'll bind here to the name 'sequence_of_names'

You can then write::

    game_users = {}
    for name in sequence_of_names:
        game_users[name] = User(name)

This will result in 'game_users' bound to a dict with names mapping to
separate instances of the 'User' type. These instances can each be
addressed by name from the 'game_users' mapping as
'game_users["Fred"]', etc.

 \       "Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?" "Well, I think |
  `\      so, Brain, but do I really need two tongues?"  -- _Pinky and |
_o__)                                                       The Brain_ |
Ben Finney

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