On Wed Mar 16 22:21:42 CET 2005 John Machin wrote:

> Apparently pyXLWriter doesn't handle Unicode at all.  Although
> Unicode came in with Excel 1997 (BIFF8 format file), pyXLWriter
> appears to support only Excel 5(?) (BIFF5 format file). As
> Serge suggested, appeal to the porter to appeal to the author
> of the Perl module it's ported from; but don't hold your breath
> in the meantime.

I don't think it's necessary to go that far back up the chain.
The Perl module from which pyXLWriter is ported supports Unicode
strings (and writes BIFF8 files), at least for the current
version.  About a week ago I wrote to Evgeny Filatov, who did
the port (I'm having a difficult time mentally reconciling
the name "Evgeny" with "ASCII guy" :-) ), but haven't heard
anything from him.  Does anyone have a better address than the
one I found in the README ([EMAIL PROTECTED])?  Has
anyone done any work to pick up where he left off?

Bob Kline


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