bvdp wrote:

Is there a simple/safe expression evaluator I can use in a python program. I just want to pass along a string in the form "1 + 44 / 3" or perhaps "1 + (-4.3*5)" and get a numeric result.

I can do this with eval() but I really don't want to subject my users to the problems with that method.

In this use I don't need python to worry about complex numbers, variables or anything else. Just do the math on a set of values. Would eval() with some restricted list of permitted operators do the trick?

This solution may be overly simply (especially compared to the AST-based solution suggested earlier), but... if all you need is numbers and operators, *maybe* you can get away with stripping all letters from the input string (and possibly the underscore), and then evaluating it:

import re
import traceback

re_letters = re.compile("[a-zA-Z_]+")

def safe_eval(s):
    s = re_letters.sub("", s)
    return eval(s)

# try it out...

>>> safe_eval("2+2")

>>> safe_eval("4 * (8 / 3.1) ** 7.2")

>>> safe_eval("(2).__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 12, in safe_eval
    return eval(s)
  File "<string>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

...It's primitive, but it might work for your purposes.

Hans Nowak (zephyrfalcon at gmail dot com)

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