On 13 Jun, 10:34, Aidan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> marc wyburn wrote:
> > HI all, I'm a bit stuck with how to work outboolianlogic.
> > I'd like to say if A is not equal to B, C or D:
> >    do something.
> > I've tried
> > if not var == A or B or C:
> > and various permutations but can't seem to get my head around it.  I'm
> > pretty sure I need to know what is calulated first i.e the not or the
> > 'OR/AND's
> > thanks, Marc.
> You mean like a ternary operation?
>  >>> True and 1 or 0
> 1
>  >>> False and 1 or 0
> 0
> This of course depends on the 'true' result also being true.. it fails
> if it is false...
> if that's not what you mean, then maybe this is what you want
> if not var==A or not var==B or not var==C:
>      # do something

the not var==A or not var==B or not var==C was what I was after.  I
was being too literal with my script and trying not (A or B or C)
which doesn't work.

Thanks for the help.

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