I have this TableView, which is sorted by column when the user clicks on the header. The problem is though, that all the items are selected and nothing gets sorted. But if the window loses focus everything's get's sorted.
Basically I have list of tags say, [{"artist":"Artist1","title":Title1"} , {"artist":"Artist2" , "title": "Title2"}] etc. Where each tag is listed in a column. Then I sort them and reset. Here's the code: def sort(self,column,order=Qt.DescendingOrder): tag=self.headerdata.text newdic={} li=[] i=0 for z in self.taginfo: #taginfo has all the tags if not newdic.has_key(z[tag]): newdic[z[tag]]=z li.append(z[tag]) else: newdic[z[tag] + str(i)]=z li.append(z[tag] + str(i)) i+=1 li.sort() self.taginfo=[newdic[z] for z in li] self.reset() Any ideas? -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list