On Saturday 14 June 2008 03:15, Beema 
shafreen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a file with three columns  i need
> to sort the file with respect to the third
> column. How do I do it uisng python. I
> used Linux command to do this. Sort but i
> not able to do it ? can any body ssuggest
> me

I have used this method to solve similar 

This is a consept of how to do what you want,
but you will have to work a little to get it 

You might try something like this;

Dict = {}  ##create a dictionary

make a list of all column3 values

for loop colum3 values  

Make these values the key in a dictionary
If the values are long, you can use the first 
7 to 15 characters if you want.

use this key to equal all the values in the 
other columns on the same row.

Dict[column3] = column1, column2, column3

once the dictionary is made

get the dictionary key 
x = Dict.keys()  ## get the keys from Dict

x.sort()  # produce a sorted list of keys of 

Loop these sorted keys to extract from the 
dictionary the values related to each 



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