On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 06:21:30 +0100, Kay Schluehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I think my proposal was more in mind of Rons modified exec than
>Pythons lambda.
>When George proposed his unpacking behavoir for list-comps as a pack of
>1. [x*y-z for (x,y,z=0) in (1,2,3), (4,5), (6,7,8)]
>I interpreted it in a subsequent posting in lambda fashion:
>2. [(lambda x,y,z=0:x*y-z)(*v) for v in (1,2,3), (4,5), (6,7,8)]

Thank you Kay,  All of this is really intersting and I'm learning a
lot about the language through these discussions.

The following is an experiment I did this morning. :-)

I was surprised it worked as well as it did, although I don't think it
should be used in any real production code.  Not in it's present form

The idea is to have a container class like a tuple for program code
that can be moved around and used when needed.  Very flexable, maybe
if it could be done without the strings and the exec/eval() functions
in it?


# codedo.py
import types

class code(tuple):
    Inline Code Storage Class

    name = code(('expression','expression',...))
    varables = name.do([locals()],['invars'],'outvars')

    This is experimental.

    Warning:  This is experimental! This class has not
    been tested.  It also uses exec, and eval(), which
    can be a security risk.
    def do(self, *args ):
        if type(args[0]) == type({}):
            parentnames = args[0]
            parentnames = globals()
        if len(args)>1:
            argslist = args[1].split(',')
            argslist = args
        for a in argslist:
            if parentnames.has_key(a):
                exec a+'=parentnames[a]'
        for c in self:
        return eval(args[-1])  # The last argument are the return

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Test it.  This is only what works, not what doesn't.
    # Left to Right order.
    print code(('y=y*2','x=y**2')).do('x')

    # *** Define and use later! ***
    mybutton_action = code(('z=y*2','x=z**2','result=x+2'))
    y = 1
    print mybutton_action.do('y','result')
    y = 10
    print mybutton_action.do('y','result')
    y = 100
    print mybutton_action.do('y','result')

    # Return multiple values.
    toxyz = code(('x*=2','y*=2','try:z\nexcept:z=0','z*=2'))
    x = 2
    y = 3
    #z = 4
    a, b, c = toxyz.do('x,y,z')
    print a, b, c

    # 1. [x*y-z for (x,y,z=0) in (1,2,3), (4,5), (6,7,8)]
    print code(('r=[]','for x,y,z in

    # or...  trailing comma needed here to make a uni-tuple.
    print code(('r=list([x*y-z for x,y,z in

    # post process list before returning.
    print code(('r = [ x for x in range(1,11) ]','r=r*2')).do('r')

    # From within a function:
    # We need to pass locals() to so it can find the variables.
    def fn1():
        x = 5
        y = 10
        lfunction = code(('z = x*2+y',)).do(locals(),'x,y','z')
        print lfunction


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