I couldn't get it work on Solaris (modified some lines for Python2.3).
One reason was that I had to download pyreadline separately
- I did than but now pyreadline requires either ironpython or
  a windows installation. Something is going wrong...

Best regards


Bob Farrell schrieb:
I released this a while ago but did some work recently to fix some bugs
so I thought I may as well post it here. To quickly summarise:
In-line syntax highlighting
Auto complete with suggestions as you type
Pastebin stuff, save to file
"Rewind" feature to jump back a line if you mess up (don't ask how it
works, please ;)

You can get it here:

There's info about git repos and what have you there, and apparently
it's also in some real distro repos, but I don't know the details.

Oh, and you'll need pygments and pyparsing, and it doesn't work on
Windows (heard good reports about it working fine on a Mac though).

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