On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 19:51:28 -0800, Mike Rovner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Anthony Liu wrote:
>> I am wondering if it is possible to start reading from
>> the last line of file, and then the last but one up to
>> the first line.
>If you can afford to keep the whole file in memory, than:
>lines = open(..).readlines()
>print lines[::-1]
>Otherwise you can use seek() to random-access file and read chunks,
>then extract lines from them and process them.
>See http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/120686 for 
>implementation details.

Slightly different from cookbook, normalizing eols, also seeking to block 
boundary offsets
from start of file, which should be more os friendly. An alternative QND 
iterator over lines in reverse:
Just tested very slightly (I just came up with this minutes ago ;-), so don't 
depend on this without testing.

----< revfile.py >-------------------------------------
def revfile(path, bufsize=8192, linesep=__import__('os').linesep):
    """iterate through lines of a file in reverse"""
    f = open(path, 'rb')
    f.seek(0, 2) # to end
    # keep to bufsize-multiple offsets
    pos, tailsize = divmod(f.tell(), bufsize)
    if tailsize==0:
        pos = max(0, pos-1)
    pos *= bufsize
    lines = f.read().split(linesep) # tail end buffer
    # finesse eol on last line in case missing
    if len(lines)>1 and lines[-1]=='':
        endline = '\n'
        endline = ''
    while True:
        if len(lines) == 1:
            if pos == 0:
                last = lines[0] + endline
                if last: yield last # zero-length file has no lines
            pos -= bufsize
            assert pos>=0, 'should not fail'
            lines =  (f.read(bufsize)+lines[0]).split(linesep)
            yield lines.pop() + endline
            endline = '\n'

Bengt Richter

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