On Jun 19, 9:24 pm, Carl Banks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 19, 10:17 pm, Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Carl Banks wrote:
> > > Tuples will have an index method in Python 2.6.
> > > I promise I won't indiscriminately use tuples for homogenous data.
> > > Honest.  Scout's honor.  Cross my heart.
> > Use them as you want.  This change came about because .index was
> > included in the 3.0 Sequence ABC (abstract base class) and tuple was
> > included as a sequence, so .... something had to give.  The result was
> > tuple getting the full suite of immutable sequence methods.  And then
> > there was no good reason to not backport ;-).
> The last time I needed index on a tuple was in fact for partially non-
> homogenous data.  I forget why, but I needed to treat arguments after
> a certain value different from the front arguments.  So I wanted to do
> something like:
> def something(*args):
>     firstspecial = args.index(0)
> 'Cept I couldn't.

Why didn't you just use a list inside the tuple?

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