Matt Nordhoff wrote:
Matt Nordhoff wrote:
You could use data: URIs [1].

For example, a 43-byte single pixel GIF becomes this URI:


They don't have universal browser support, but that might not be a
problem in this case.

As for generating them with Python, I'm not sure... I just used Hixie's
data: URI kitchen [2] for the above example.

[1] <>
[2] <>

Oh.. As <>
shows, the reason I couldn't find a data: URI Python library is because
they're utterly trivial to generate:

import base64
import urllib

raw_data = create_gif()
uri = 'data:image/gif;base64,' + urllib.quote(base64.b64encode(raw_data))

(And it's even simpler if you leave out the base64-encoding.)

The caveat with URL schema data: is that the amount of data to be transferred is significantly higher than including HTML tag <img src=""> in your HTML source and let the browser fetch the raw binary image data in a separate HTTP request (you also have to serve from your web application).

Ciao, Michael.


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