I am sorry that i forgot to see the working example. Base on your
example, i can show the value without missing but got the other
problem. I would like to culmulate the value by users.

This is (almost) exactly the same.

I was rewrite
your example but cannot not work.

import sys
import pprint

    f = open('data.txt', 'r')
except IOError, e:
    print >> sys.stderr, "Cannot open file data.txt for reading : %s"

users = {}
cumdata2 = 0
cumdata3 = 0
for line in f:

        user, data1, data2 = line.strip().split('\t')
    except ValueError:
        print >> sys.stderr, "wrong file format"
        users[user].append("%s : %s" % (data1, data2))
        cumdata2 = int(data2) + cumdata2

Q1 : What do you think this will do ?

    except KeyError:
        users[user] = ["%s : %s" % (data1, data2)]
        cumdata3 = int(data2) + cumdata3

Q2 : What do you think this will do ?

print "collected data:";
print cumdata2
print cumdata3

The above example can run but the total num are wrong.

First, please post your test data set, the expected result and the actual result. Saying 'the total num is wrong' doesn't give a clue.

Would you mind
to figure out where is my problem?

I may be wrong (pun intended), but I think you don't really understand what this code is doing, specially this part :

except KeyError:
  users[user] = [something]

In fact I think your problem is that you still have not read the fine manual, specially the part about dicts.

Read the manual, understand the above snippet - which is a pretty common idiom in Python -, try to answer Q1 and Q2, and you should be able to work it out by yourself.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

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