Tom Davis wrote:

> I am having a problem where a long-running function will cause a
> memory leak / balloon for reasons I cannot figure out.  Essentially, I
> loop through a directory of pickled files, load them, and run some
> other functions on them.  In every case, each function uses only local
> variables and I even made sure to use `del` on each variable at the
> end of the loop.  However, as the loop progresses the amount of memory
> used steadily increases.
> I had a related problem before where I would loop through a very large
> data-set of files and cache objects that were used to parse or
> otherwise operate on different files in the data-set.  Once again,
> only local variables were used in the cached object's methods.  After
> a while it got to the point where simply running these methods on the
> data took so long that I had to terminate the process (think, first
> iteration .01sec, 1000th iteration 10sec).   The solution I found was
> to cause the cached objects to become "stale" after a certain number
> of uses and be deleted and re-instantiated.

Here the alleged "memory leak" is clearly the cache, and the slowdown is
caused by garbage collector. The solution is to turn it off with
gc.disable() during phases where your programm allocates huge amounts of
objects with the intent of keeping them for a longer time.

> However, in the current case, there is no caching being done at all.
> Only local variables are involved.  It would seem that over time
> objects take up more memory even when there are no attributes being
> added to them or altered.  Has anyone experienced similar anomalies?
> Is this behavior to be expected for some other reason?  If not, is
> there a common fix for it, i.e. manual GC or something?

Unless you post a script demonstrating the leak I will assume you are
overlooking a reference that keeps your data alive -- whether it's a true
global or within a long-running function doesn't really matter.


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