"Michael Spencer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> An Abridged Python Tutorial
> There are tips for the novice and tricks
> that will add to your programming kicks.
>      But the cardinal rule
>      that you must learn at school
> is that spaces and tabs never mix.
> If there's syntax you don't understand,
> assistance is always at hand:
>      a glance at the cookbook,
>      or even a quick look
> at the manual should meet the demand.
> If you code without reading this doc,
> you may find yourself in for a shock,
>      due to Python's aversion
>      to boundless recursion
> or the global interpreter lock.
> The immutable types, such as int,
> can be subclassed, but follow this hint:
>      you must override __new__
>      'cause __init__ does not do -
> if you try it you'll find that it didn't.
> Now that functional style is passe,
> filter, map and reduce go away.
>      Better use comprehensions
>      to convey your intentions
> (or itertools.chain is OK).
> If today's Python code doesn't suit ya,
> don't despair or attack your computer.
>      If the time machine's on,
>      then your problem's soon gone:
> just import what you need from the __future__.
> When you harbour a yen to invent,
> then a PEP should ideally be sent.
>      But know this in advance
>      your idea has no chance
> should the BDFL not consent
> If you find this account is amiss,
> please avoid the temptation to hiss.
>      Simply offer a patch,
>      to apply with dispatch
> and if you seek Zen, import this!
> Michael

Outstanding ! Great piece Michael :-)



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