Code : #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os if == 'nt': OS_Selection = 0 elif == 'posix': OS_Selection = 1 else : OS_Selection = 1
del_cmd_os = ( "del","rm") filelist = ("ddd.txt","eee.txt","fff.txt") # Creating Files for elem in filelist: open( elem, 'w').write("Selam") # # Removing Files for elem in filelist: fp = open( elem, 'r') os.system( "%s %s" % (del_cmd_os[OS_Selection], fp.close() # Run this code on Windows XP , it says "the file is being used by another process" and fails to delete the file. I tried replacing : # for elem in filelist: open( elem, 'w').write("Selam") # with : # for elem in filelist: fp = open( elem, 'w') fp.write("Selam") fp.close() # in case of any interpreter file pointer destructor failure but it didnt change anything. Do you have any idea why my files cannot be deleted from my disk with 2nd part of my code ? --