On Jul 3, 9:09�pm, George Sakkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 3, 7:51 pm, Mensanator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Jul 3, 6:24 pm, George Sakkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Taking into account 2.6 too (we're not talking about only 3.0 here),
> > > probably not much less than those who even know what is gmpy, let
> > > alone dismiss a beta Python release because their obscure pet module
> > > is not available yet.
> > That was just an example. When you consider ALL the pet
> > modules like PIL, Numpy, Win32, etc., that's a lot, isn't it.
> A few points:
> - The OP acknowledged he's a newbie, and as a newbie he'll probably
> spend some time getting used to the language and the standard library
> before jumping to the dozens 3rd party packages.
> - I am sure many Python users are productive without ever touching an
> external package; that is after all the point of "batteries included".
> - Even if they do have external dependencies, chances are that they
> are pure Python modules, which typically work without modification on
> new 2.x versions.

Yes, these points are valid, although I think
mine are valid also. But there's no point in any
further arguing.

> > I was just trying to be helpful (I admit I often sound
> > negative when I'm not trying to be).
> Well, something like "Until then, such solutions are worthless, i.e.,
> of no value" is too strong, subjective and biased to be really
> helpful.

I was trying NOT to imply "broken" or "doesn't
do anything useful". I guess I'll have to try to
be less succinct.

> George


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