hi in my application a file selection by user returns a pathname string like F:/images/png/my.png or F:/docs/text/somedoc.txt ....etc. I can get the extension using extn=string.split(os.path.basename(pathname),'.' )[1]
then later on i want to create a Photoimage using ImageTk.PhotoImage(file=pathname) and display it on a canvas. the extn can be anything ..even zip or bat ,doc whatever depending on user selection...I want to put someway to raise an error message to the user if he selects a file with extension not of a compatible image type for PhotoImage.How should i do this? should i check 'extn' to a list of compatible image type extensions(something like [''jpg','jpeg','png','gif'...] ) or is there a better way? gordon -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list