Great! Thanks everyone for so many references and comments. Lots of
doubts have been solved.

On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 10:33 AM, Peter Otten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ben Finney wrote:
>> Peter Otten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> The problem is the structure of your program. The myset module is
>>> imported twice by Python, once as "myset" and once as "__main__".
>> Yes, this is the problem. Each module imports the other.
>>> Therefore you get two distinct MySet classes, and consequently two
>>> distinct MySet.__instance class attributes.
>> Are you sure? This goes against my understanding: that 'import foo'
>> will not re-import a module that's already been imported, but will
>> instead simply return the existing module.
> The main script is put into the sys.modules cache as "__main__", not under
> the script's name. Therefore the cache lookup fails.
>> So, I think if one evaluated 'myset is __main__', you'd find they are
>> exactly the same module under different names; and therefore that
>> there is only *one* instance of 'MySet', again under two names.
> No:
> $ cat
> import tmp
> import __main__
> print tmp is __main__
> $ python
> False
> False
> Peter
> --


Juan Carlos

"¡¡Viva lo rancio!!"

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