norseman wrote:

>In case all else fails:
>This is not a cookbook answer, but:
>        1) gnu's gcc will compile to 16,32 or 64 bit intel architectures
>           OK, the 32 bit version compiles to 16 or 32 & the 64 should.
>            The 64 will run 32 bit programs, including the 32 bit gcc.
>           chgroot can be (messy but) useful to maintain separation.
>      2) info gcc  and look for compiler directives
>              then  info nasm  and look for directives
>              same for the linker
>           I'm not specific because I use Slackware and different
>            distros can use different modules. You may have an assembler
>            with a different name. Switches can be different and so
>            forth.
>On Slackware the installpkg (for tarballs already compiled) records the
>locations of where things go in /var/log/packages. I have to assume
>other distros have something similar since these are used to remove
>things later. Can we say 'updates'?  If not you will need to wade
>through the .configure and Makefiles to root out what happens to get
>'vanilla' locations.
>Like I said, it's not cookbook, but it will get you there and you will
>gain quite an insight into Linux.  While the path may not be well marked
>in Linux, there usually is one.
>Sorry I don't have a more straight forward approach.
>- Steve

Thanks Steve, for the tips. 

In a sense, I have dreaded an answer like this, as it is cold comfort
to realise that I will be hassled off my objective to take a side trip
through Linux's complexities, just so that I can play with the hardware
to evaluate if we can use it for what we want to do.

I had fondly hoped that somebody would have blazed the way
before me.  But it seems not.  Tough.

I will report here what I do and find - It may help some other 
poor sod some day...

- Hendrik


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