En Thu, 10 Jul 2008 14:02:29 -0300, Bhagwat Kolde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribi�:

What is the correct process of installing any external python module?
Once we downloaded any python module,

Q1) Where this module should be placed in python installation file

If it is a single Python module, you can put it anywhere in the Python path. A good place may be the site-packages subdirectory. Execute this line to see the list of directories that are currently searched for modules:

python -c "import sys; print '\n'.join(sys.path)"

More complex packages (containing many modules and its own internal hierarchy) usually provide a setup.py script

Q2) How to execute setup.py file?

Like any other script. For many Python packages, you only have to execute this:

cd path/to/the/downloaded/and/uncompressed/package
python setup.py install

Please read the package documentation for any specific instructions. There is a generic guide aimed at site administrators: "Installing Python Modules" <http://docs.python.org/inst/>

Gabriel Genellina


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