On Jul 12, 7:08 pm, Marcus Low <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can someone explain to me, why the behaviour below is different when u
> remark "lister" and unremark "self.lister"?
> #--------------------------------------------------------------
> class abc :
>     # remark this later and unremark "self.lister"
>     lister = []
>     def __init__ (self, val):
>         #self.lister = []
>         self.lister.append(val)
> #--------------------------------------------------------------
> globallist = []
> #--------------------------------------------------------------
> def test () :
>     global l
>     for x in range(10) :
>         o = abc(x)
>         globallist.append(o)
>         o = ""
>     for i in globallist :
>         print i.lister
> #--------------------------------------------------------------
> test()
> #--------------------------------------------------------------

The way it's written, you're appending to a list associated with the
class itself, which is created only once, then printing out that list
10 times. After you uncomment and comment the specified lines (this is
the usual term, rather than "remark"), you are using a list that is
associated with the actual object, then printing out the 10 different

Hope that's clear enough.

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