On 2008-07-14, Hartmut Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> has anybody used McMillan Installer, PyInstall or py2exe cross-platform?

I know that py2exe doesn't work "cross-platform".  I'd be very
surprised if the the others do.

> I have a Windows partition with Python installed there, so
> this would "only" required working on a different directory
> and for a different OS. Since I'm working on Linux, it's awful
> to boot Windows each time I want to build a new release.
> Any hint in this area?

You can run Windows on a VM like Qemu and use that to build
distribution packages.  You still have to "boot windows", but
at least you don't have to shut down Linux...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Here I am at the flea
                                  at               market but nobody is buying
                               visi.com            my urine sample bottles ...

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