goldtech wrote:

I would be grateful for support with the code I cited. It's not long
and fairly standard. I'm sure my error(s) would be glaring to more
experienced coders. I appreciated the "heads-up" about other options
but I would be grateful for help getting this code to run. Thanks

For comparison, here's how an experienced Python programmer might prefer to write your code:

    import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET

    description = None # most recently seen description

    for event, elem in ET.parse("somefile.xml"):
        if elem.tag == "description":
            description = elem.text
        elif elem.tag == "coordinates":
            print description.strip(), elem.text.strip()

You may want to ask yourself why you prefer to struggle with obsolete, error-prone, and slow technology when there are more efficient tools available in Python's standard library.

(the lxml library that Stefan linked to is a superset of xml.etree, in case you want more XML features).



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