The Pyglet library has all the functionality of pygame, but is smaller and much more self-contained. Pygame requires SDL, pyglet only OpenGL.

On Jul 15, 2008, at 6:26 AM, Uwe Schmitt wrote:

On 15 Jul., 12:14, Thomas Troeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Kay Schluehr wrote:
On 15 Jul., 11:51, Thomas Troeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've really looked at a lot of places but haven't found a suitable
solutions yet, so I'm asking here in hope that someone has experience
with that topic.

Which solutions did you rule out?

- Python + Qt, because it's definitely overkill for my plans. I only
need simple graphics and some sound, no widgets. Basically I'm looking
for something really lightweight that has methods for drawing graphic
primitives and renders fonts -- no complicated widgets, windows,
scrollbars and the like. And, for example, the Qt library is a real
heavyweight with approx. 10 MB for qt-3.3.8 alone.

- The same holds for cairo/pango, I've written a test program (in C, I must say) that has dynamic links to 10 libraries that are all like 250kb
in size. That's a lot for a small embedded device.

Did you try pygame ? I think it has a small footprint.

Greetings, Uwe



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