On Jul 16, 7:16 am, Ben Sizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Although the standard library in Python is great, there are
> undoubtedly some great packages available from 3rd parties, and I've
> encountered a few almost by accident. However, I don't know how a user
> would become aware of many of these.http://pypi.python.org/pypi/
> presumably lists most of the decent ones, but there's a lot there and
> little indication as to quality or popularity - great if you know
> exactly what you need, but not so great for just browsing. I'd love to
> have some way of finding out what hidden gems are out there in the
> Python world which could make my development a lot easier. Any
> suggestions?
> --
> Ben Sizer

One good place to look is The Python Papers, "a free e-journal,
including industry and academic articles" at


The current issue (vol. 3, issue 1) has an article that I wrote
called, "An Efficient Scalar Package in Python." If you do engineering
or scientific computing with Python, and you wish to avoid unit errors
without slowing down your production runs, then I suggest take a look
at this package.

You can download it and its user's guide at http://RussP.us/scalar.htm

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