On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 17:09:38 -0500, "George Sakkis"

>I posted a recipe in python cookbook
>(http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/392768) for the 
>subproblem I was interested
>in initially (variable-length iterable unpacking), and I prefer it over 
>explicit try/except (but of
>course I'm biased :-)). Kay is proposing something even more general and 
>powerful, and it will be
>interesting to see if all this brainstorming can be brought forward more 
>'formally', e.g. at a PEP
>or pre-PEP level.

Looks good George. :)

I'm not sure what Kay is trying for, but it does look interesting. I'm
all for new features as long as they are consistent and easy to use,
and easy to remember as well.  I keep finding ways to improve the
little routines I'm playing with. ;)  I'll probably post them in the
cookbook also, and maybe put them together in a mod. 

A few more pieces and I should be able to build a name space explorer
which I think will be good for debugging programs.  I'm thinking you
could put it in the program where you are having problems and it will
open a tree type window where you can examine all the names and
objects at that point.  When done, close it and the programs
continues.  It will give you a little more info than sticking print
statements hear and there.



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