On Jul 20, 11:08 pm, "Dan Upton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 11:51 PM, Mensanator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Jul 20, 10:05�pm, Stephen Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > Carry bits? Who worries about carry bits when you have
> >> > unlimited precision arithmetic? You want cool?
> >> > THIS is cool:
> >> > j = ((invert(xyz[1]-xyz[0],xyz[1]**(k-1))*(xyz[1]**(k-1)-prev_gen[2]))
> >> > % xyz[1]**(k-1))/xyz[1]**(k-2)
> >> You call that "cool." I call it "unreadable."
> > Ok, but not in the sense that something like
> > Scheme is unreadable as this is nothing but
> > algebra (albeit complicaed).
> Scheme doesn't *have* to be unreadable... any more unreadable than any
> other language when poorly documented/formatted, anyway.

When I needed to whip up a variation on Ulam's
Spiral recently, I went and got the Scheme version
I wrote 4 years ago when I briefly toyed with Scheme
and thought I'd just translate the plotting part to
Python. Couldn't make any sense of it and ended up
doing the Python version with Turtle Graphics.


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