In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Andras Malatinszky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Xah Lee wrote:
> > Better:
> > 
> > there is a Python, pithy
> > mighty, lissome, and tabby
> > algorithms it puffs
> > conundrums it snuffs
> > and cherished by those savvy
> > 
> > 
> > there is a camel, kooky
> > ugly, petty, ungainly
> > hacking it supports
> > TIMTOWTDI it sports
> > and transports DWIM-wit's fancy
> > 
> >  Xah
> > ∑
> > 
> These "limericks" just don't work, do they? I mean, the number of 
> syllables is just way off, and then the rhymes are just plain wrong. By 
> all means, don't stop trying, but don't quit your day job yet.

A poetry critic, Andras
In a huff at the tempo, alas!
The meter's too free,
So he's telling Xah Lee,
Nocturnal employment won't last!

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