I can't say that I see any particular point to the essay.  But I did
want to point out that Oz should not be considered part of the ML
family.  Aside from not being statically typed - a very central tenet
to ML, Oz is much more part of the Logic family of languages (Mercury,
Prolog, etc...).

On Jul 18, 12:17 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Today, i took sometime to list some major or talked-about langs that
> arose in recent years.
> ML Family:
>     * Oz�J. Concurrent. Multiparadigm.
>     * Alice�J. Concurrent, ML derivative. Saarland University, Germany.
>     * OCaml�J
>     * F#�J. Microsoft's functional lang.


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