On Jul 23, 1:03 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (c d saunter)
> How much of VHDL are you looking to parse?  Are you just looking at files
> intended for synthesis, or at simulation/testbench files as well?

As a start I want to parse VHDL which is going to be synthesised, and
I am limiting myself to the entities and the structural component
placement. I will drop the processes and the concurrent assignments
even if that will mask important information. It is a design viewer
tool, not a design tool that I am writing. Xilinx ISE do give me the
opportunity to browse my synthesised netlist, but there is simply too
much information.

Later the app can be extended with more functionality, depends on my
success with the initial problems that I have.

> If I started again I'd use pyparsing:http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/
> Looks like someone is already there in 
> part:http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/message/view/home/103973

I also got a pointer to SimpleParse and now try to translate the parts
of the VHDL BNF that I need into a definition that SimpleParse can
understand. But looking at the BNF it is clear that VHDL is no easy
language to parse, just as it is no easy language to do structural
design in.


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