On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 20:01:28 GMT, Ron_Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Is there a way to hide global names from a function or class?
>I want to be sure that a function doesn't use any global variables by
>mistake.  So hiding them would force a name error in the case that I
>omit an initialization step.  This might be a good way to quickly
>catch some hard to find, but easy to fix, errors in large code blocks.
>def a(x):
>    # ...
>    x = y         # x is assigned to global y unintentionally.
>    # ...
>    return x
>def b(x):
>    # hide globals somehow
>    # ...
>    x = y    # Cause a name error
>    # ...
>    return x
If you put the above def b in e.g. a_module.py,
and do a (untested ;-)

    from a_module import b

instead of defining it locally, then the global references
from b (and whatever else you import from a_module)
should be to the global dict defined for a_module (i.e., its
outermost scope),  not to the globals where you do the import.

>y = True
Should work if you define a in place having same scope as the y assignment
>*** name error here ***
UIAM it should do this if you import b as above.

Bengt Richter

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