as they got it formed, they elected Whitney Young as the
chairman, and who [do] you think became the co-chairman? Stephen
Currier, the white man, a millionaire. Powell was talking about it down
at the Cobo [Hall] today. This is what he was talking about. Powell
knows it happened. Randolph knows it happened. Wilkins knows it
happened. King knows it happened. Everyone of that so-called Big Six --
they know what happened.

Once they formed it, with the white man over it, he promised them and
gave them $800,000 to split up between the Big Six; and told them that
after the march was over they'd give them $700,000 more. A million and a
half dollars -- split up between leaders that you've been following,
going to jail for, crying crocodile tears for. And they're nothing but
Frank James and Jesse James and the what-do-you-call-'em brothers.

[As] soon as they got the setup organized, the white man made available
to them top public relations experts; opened the news media across the
country at their disposal; and then they begin [sic] to project these
Big Six as the leaders of the march. Originally, they weren't even in
the march. You was [sic ] talking this march talk on Hastings Street --
Is Hastings Street still here? -- on Hasting Street. You was [sic]
talking the march talk on Lenox Avenue, and out on -- What you call it?
-- Fillmore Street, and Central Avenue, an


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