On Jul 24, 4:03 pm, Thomas Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Philluminati schrieb:
> > I'm a bit of a python newbie and I need to wrap a C library.
> > I can initialise the library using CDLL('mcclient.so')
> > and I can call functions correctly inside the library but I need to
> > invoke one function which has this function definition:
> > char ** CAPAPI McSearch(HMCLINK Handle,
> >                         short nSearchType,
> >                         short nNoSelect,
> >                         char **pSelect,
> >                         short nNoWhere,
> >                         char **pWhere,
> >                         char **pData,
> >                         int iTimeout);
> > For **pSelect I want to pass in an array of char points, which in C
> > would be declared as
> > char *pData[] = { "ADDR", "POSTCODE" };
> > Can someone tell me how use pointers + char pointers together in
> > python with ctypes please?
> # create an array that holds two pointers to 'char *', and fill it with data:
> pData = (c_char_p * 2)()
> pData[0] = "ADDR"
> pData[1] = "POSTCODE"
> # Another way:
> pData = (c_char_p * 2)("ADDR", "POSTCODE")
> Thomas

Thank you Thomas for your reply. I also got it working in a slightly
less sophisticated manor like this:

SelectType = c_char_p * 2
select = SelectType("ADDR", "POSTCODE")
ptr = pointer(select)

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to reply!


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