On Jul 25, 7:56 am, Emmanouil Angelakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> I am tryiong to do something obviously trivial such as:
> I have a c program called "tsys2list" that when it is ran it asks the user to 
> give the value of "tcal" which is a variable. I want to call the  "tsys2list" 
> from within a pyrthon script lets call it "gamma.py" >>>but<<< I want to pass 
> the value of "tcal" to th eprogram automatically and not by interacting with 
> the keyboard.
> How do I do that?
> thanks i advance!
> manolis

There are probably many ways to do this. I would recommend checking
out the subprocess module and see if it does what you want. Or you
could learn a little Tkinter or wxPython and use that to get the
user's variable. Or you could even do it via the command line using
the "raw_input" command.



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