sturlamolden wrote:
On Jul 25, 8:13 am, Pierre Dagenais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What is the easiest way to draw to a window? I'd like to draw something
  like sine waves from a mathematical equation.
Newbie to python.

For mathematica equations, NumPy and matplotlib is probably the best
option. I prefer to embed matplotlib in wxPython. wxAgg is an
excellent backend.

For more general 2D graphics, there are several options, including:

- pygame (uses SDL)
- aggdraw module
- pycairo
- pyopengl
- wxPython's device context (ditto for other GUI libraries)


If you're using wx, there is also wx.lib.plot, which I found to be _much_ faster than matplotlib in my application, especially when resizing.


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