I´ll try that. Back online in a week.

On 7/29/08, Tim Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Victor Subervi wrote:
>> def a():
>>  chars = ['\\i0', '\\u0', '\\qc', '\\b0', '\\ql', '\\i', '\\u', '\\b',
>> '\\yz']
>>  rtf_markup = 'viewkind4\uc1\pard\nowidctlpar\qc\i\f0\fs36 Who is like the
>> Beast? Who can wage war against him?\par'
>>  for char in chars:
>>    c = '(?<=' + char + ')'
>>    test = re.search(c, rtf_markup)
>>    try:
>>      junk = test.group(0)
>>      print char
>>    except:
>>      pass
>> Now, I can paste that entire fn in linux. But in windows I have to paste
>> it line_by_line. Pain in butt! And it indents automatically. How change that
>> behavior.
> Well, I'm not really sure what to say. I've just copied that
> whole section with drag-mouse, Ctrl-C. I then opened a new
> interpreter window (effectively, Start > Run > python) and
> right-clicked over the window. At this point, the lines I
> copied were copied in and the function accepted by the
> interpreter.
> I do have QuickEdit on by default in all by console windows,
> but the only difference I expect that to make is that you'd
> otherwise have to use the window's System Menu (Alt-Space,
> Edit, Paste).
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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