Fred Mangusta: > Could I use the join function to reform the string? You can write a function to split the words, for example taking in account the points too, etc.
> And, regarding the casetest() function, what do you suggest to do? Python strings have isupper, islower, istitle methods, they may be enough for your purposes. > -open input file > -open output file > -get line of text > -split line into words > -for each word > -tag = checkCase(word) > -newword = lowercase(word) + append(tag) > rejoin words into line > write line into output file It seems good. To join the words of a line there's str.join. Now you can write a function that splits lines, and another to check the case, then you can show them to us. Yet, I don't see how much use can have your output file :-) Bye, bearophile --