On Sat, 02 Aug 2008 21:58:09 +0200, TP wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> When using raw_input(), the input of the user ends when he types Return
> on his keyboard.
> How can I change this behavior, so that another action is needed to stop
> the input? For example, CTRL-G. It would allow the user to input several
> lines.
> Thanks
> Julien

Well I don't know about using CTRL-G. Now I'm pretty sure you can't 
change the behavior of raw_input() like this *but* what you do is the 

>>> from sys import stdin
>>> user_input = stdin.readlines()
a multiline
>>> user_input
['this\n', 'is\n', 'a multiline\n', 'test\n']

The end of the input is marked by the "End of Transmission" or "End of 
File" character(which can be obtained via ctrl+D, at least on linux, I 
have no idea about win32)
This would have the additional bonus of working with something being 
piped into it as an input

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