iu2 wrote:

This is a little bit strange post, but I'm curious...

I learned Python from its tutorial step by step, and practicing
writing small scripts.
I haven't seen a Python program before knowing Python.

I'm curious, what did Python code look like to those of you who have
seen a bunch of Python code for the first time before knowing Python?

(I can tell, for example, that seeing perl for the first time looked
like C with many $$$, I could see "if" and "for" and "while" but they
were meaningless. Or Lisp for the first time looked like many words,
no operators, how could that make a program???)

My impression was (and still is):

A page of Python code looks *clean*, with not a lot of punctuation/special symbols and (in particular) no useless lines containing {/} or begin/end or do/done (or whatever).

Gary Herron



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