Michele Simionato wrote:
On Aug 5, 4:38 am, "Gabriel Genellina":
So the namespace that the metaclass receives when the class is created, will be some kind of ordered dictionary? Metaclasses are available for a long time ago, but the definition order is lost right at the start, when the class body is executed. Will this step be improved in Python 3.0 then?

Yep. See http://stacktrace.it/articoli/2008/01/metaclassi-python-3000
(I am working on an English translation these days,
but for the moment you can use Google Translator).

Bfiefly, as I understood the discussion some months ago: In 2.x, the class body is executed in a local namespace implemented as a normal dict and *then* passed to the metaclass. In 3.0, the metaclass gets brief control *before* execution so, among other possibilities, it can substitute an (insertion) ordered dict for the local namespace. I will leave the details to Michele's article and its eventual translation.



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