Tim Greening-Jackson a écrit :
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
Tim Greening-Jackson a écrit :

Depends on what your "site" is doing.

There are all *sorts* of things I would like it to do, but am not dogmatic about any of them. For example, having various people being able to login to it securely to shuttle files between ourselves would be useful. As would webmail access. And various "robot" functionality...

Ok, so this is more a collection of web applications than a content-oriented site. FWIW, there are existing open-source solutions (not necessarily written in Python...) for at least the first two features.

The exercise is more to see what Python can do to help me develop websites and get used to some sort of proper development framework,

Ok. Then to answer one of your initial questions, yes, having a look at frameworks like Django, Turbogears or Pylons might be a good idea. But note that these are frameworks, not applications like iWeb.


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