Attached there is an example program that only requires numpy. At the end I have two numpy array:


[[3 1 1]
[0 0 4]
[1 3 0]
[2 2 0]
[3 3 3]
[0 0 2]]


[[100000.0 254.0]
[40000.0 200.0]
[50000.0 185.0]
[5000.0 160.0]
[150000.0 260.0]
[20000.0 180.0]]

I would like to use numpy to create statistic, for example the mean value of the prices:

>>> rmeas[:,0] # Prices of cars
array([100000.0, 40000.0, 50000.0, 5000.0, 150000.0, 20000.0], dtype=float96)
>>> rmeas[:,0].mean() # Mean price

However, I only want to do this for 'color=yellow' or 'year=2003, make=Ford' etc. I wonder if there a built-in numpy method that can filter out rows using a set of values. E.g. create a view of the original array or a new array that contains only the filtered rows. I know how to do it from Python with iterators, but I wonder if there is a better way to do it in numpy. (I'm new to numpy please forgive me if this is a dumb question.)



import numpy

columns = ['Color','Year','Make','Price','VMax']
dimension_columns = [0,1,2]
measure_columns = [3,4]
data = [
    ['Yellow',     '2000',     'Ferrari',     100000.,    254.],
    ['Blue',       '2003',     'Volvo',        40000.,    200.],
    ['Black',      '2005',     'Ford',         50000.,    185.],
    ['Red',        '1990',     'Ford',          5000.,    160.],
    ['Yellow',     '2005',     'Lamborgini',  150000.,    260.],
    ['Blue',       '2003',     'Suzuki',       20000.,    180.],
print "Original data"
print "---------------"
for row in data:
    print row

# Create dimension values list
dimensions = []
for colindex in dimension_columns:
        'values': list(set(  map( lambda row: row[colindex], data )   )),

print "Dimensions"
print "---------------"
for d in dimensions:
    print d

# Create a numpy array from dimensions
nrows = len(data)
ncols = len(dimension_columns)
rdims = numpy.empty( (nrows,ncols), dtype=numpy.uint32 )
for rindex,row in enumerate(data):
    for dindex,cindex in enumerate(dimension_columns):
        dimension = dimensions[dindex]
        rdims[rindex,cindex] = dimension['values'].index(row[cindex])
print "Dimension value indexes"
print "-----------------------"
print rdims

# Create numpy array from values
nrows = len(data)
ncols = len(measure_columns)
rmeas = numpy.empty( (nrows,ncols), dtype=numpy.float96 )
for rindex,row in enumerate(data):
    for mindex,cindex in enumerate(measure_columns):
        rmeas[rindex,mindex] = row[cindex]
print "Measure values"
print "-----------------------"
print rmeas


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