Nothing strange about that syntax (though some spaces might helped you out).
The '&' operator is a bit-wise operator ( 甜瓜 wrote:
Howdy everyone, I saw a strange python code in pygame project. What does "while not(x&528or x in l):" mean? Below code works in python2.5, so "x&528" is not HTML strings. # code: import pygame as p,random p.init() q=p.display T=16 b=q.set_mode([256]*2).fill l=[] d=a=x=1 c=p.event.get while not(x&528or x in l): l=l[a!=x:]+[x] while a&528or a in l:a=random.randrange(512) b(0) [b(99,(o%T*T,o/32*T,T,T))for o in l+[a]] q.flip() p.time.wait(199) for e in c(2): v=e.key-272 n=((v&2)-1)*[1,32][v<3] if-n-d and 0<v<5:d=n c() x=l[-1]+d Best regards, -- ShenLei --