> This is a language limitation.
> This is because nested scope is implemented for python function only since
> 2.3
> allow late binding of free variables. the scope in class statment is not a
> closure, so there is only two possible scope in it : local and global.

That was my understanding as well, but I think it is a pity to have that 
limitation. Don't you think that the same improvement that was done for method 
nested scope could be done as well for nested class?

I can easily fix my current issue by doing the binding after the class 
My concern is more about the lack of symmetry of that approach; meaning that if 
both classes are in the global scope, one can access the others, whereas if 
they are in the body of another class they cannot.   

This is OK:

class A(object):

class B(object):

I have to add the binding after the declaration in the case of nested: 

class C(object):
        class A(object):

        class B(object):
        B.foo = A

That extra step is a little bit painful and should not be necessary for my 
point of view.

> > I'm wondering as well if the new nonlocal statement will fix that in
> py3k?
> >
> nonlocal doesn't adress this issue an I doubt python 3.0 fix it at all.
> You have the same problem with generator expressions, which bind lately
> outer
> loop variables :

Good to know, I was not aware of that.



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