mwojc a écrit :
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
FWIW, you'd be better using a property instead of __getattr__ /
__setattr__ if possible.

You're probably right again, in this case it's better to use property.

Since you seem to have concerns wrt/ execution time, properties might be a little bit faster than __getattr__/__setattr__ hooks - cf below...

And while we're at it, you dont need to manually take care of your index in the for loop - you can use
enumerate(iterable) instead:

              for j, net in enumerate(self.nets):
                  w1 = self.wmarks[j]
                  w2 = self.wmarks[j+1]
                  self._weights[w1:w2] = net.weights
              return self._weights

Sometimes i use manual handling of index because i'm convinced that
enumeration is a bit slower than this. But i'm not really sure about it...

It's easy to try out:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ python
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr  6 2008, 17:20:35)
[GCC 4.1.2 (Gentoo 4.1.2 p1.0.2)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> def manual(cnt):
...     j = 0
...     for i in xrange(cnt):
...         x = i
...         j += 1
>>> def auto(cnt):
...     for j, i in enumerate(xrange(cnt)):
...         x = i
>>> from timeit import Timer

>>> tm = Timer("manual(10000)", "from __main__ import manual")
>>> ta = Timer("auto(10000)", "from __main__ import auto")
>>> tm.timeit(1000)
>>> tm.timeit(1000)
>>> tm.timeit(1000)
>>> ta.timeit(1000)
>>> ta.timeit(1000)
>>> ta.timeit(1000)

Looks like enum is a bit faster by a mostly constant factor here.

And while we're at it:

>>> class Prop(object):
...     @apply
...     def prop():
...         def fget(self): return self._prop
...         def fset(self, val): self._prop = val
...         return property(**locals())
...     def __init__(self, val): self.prop=val
>>> class Hook(object):
...     def __getattr__(self, name):
...         if name == 'prop':
...             return self._prop
...         raise AttributeError("yadda")
...     def __setattr__(self, name, val):
...         if name ==  'prop':
...             self.__dict__['_prop'] = val
...         else:
...             self.__dict__[name] = val
...             # correct implementation:
...             # super(Hook, self).__setattr__(name, value)
...     def __init__(self, val): self.prop=val
>>> def testprop(cnt):
...     p = Prop('test')
...     for i in xrange(cnt):
...         p.prop = i
...         x = p.prop
>>> def testhook(cnt):
...     h = Hook('test')
...     for i in xrange(cnt):
...         h.prop = i
...         x = h.prop
>>> tp = Timer("testprop(1000)", "from __main__ import testprop")
>>> th = Timer("testhook(1000)", "from __main__ import testhook")
>>> tp.timeit(1000)
>>> tp.timeit(1000)
>>> th.timeit(1000)
>>> th.timeit(1000)

Looks like properties are significatively faster than the __getattr__/__setattr__ hook too... Which is probably explained by the following facts:

Looking for binding descriptors (like read/write properties) is the first very stage of the attribute resolution algorithm (since they must be looked up before the instance's __dict__ to avoid setting an instance attribute which would then shadow the property).

OTHO, __getattr__ is always looked for last - which means it takes longer to resolve __getattr__ than to resolve a read access to a read/write property.

wrt/ __setattr__ - which is always called for attribute assignement, whatever -, overloading it (instead of relying on the optimized builtin implementation) is not only tricky (BTW, your implementation is broken - try to add a read/write property to your class and enjoy...[1]), but also cause a penalty for *all* attributes 'write' access.

[1] oh, yes, should I mention it ? The correct implementation is even slower:
>>> class Hook(object):
...     def __getattr__(self, name):
...         if name == 'prop':
...             return self._prop
...         raise AttributeError("yadda")
...     def __setattr__(self, name, val):
...         if name ==  'prop':
...             self.__dict__['_prop'] = val
...         else:
...             #self.__dict__[name] = val
...             super(Hook, self).__setattr__(name, value)
...     def __init__(self, val): self.prop=val
>>> th.timeit(1000)
>>> th.timeit(1000)


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