Hussein B wrote:
I'm a Java/Java EE developer and I'm playing with Python these days.
I like the Python language so much and I like its communities and the
Django framework.
My friends are about to open a Ruby/Rails shop and they are asking me
to join them.
I don't know what, sure I'm not leaving Java, but they are asking me
to stop learning Python and concentrate on Ruby/Rails.
The sad fact (at least to me), Ruby is getting a lot of attention
these days.
Why Python isn't getting this attention although is a much more mature
language and it is used by many big, big names?
And do I dare to say it is much more charming?
What do you think of Ruby/Rails? do they worth learning and working
Any way, I'm not leaving Python and I will try to study it every time
I get a chance...
On the whole, I think python gets more attention, but that doesn't
not mean you should ignore Ruby, at least to a 'dabble-in' level.
To me, the main reason for learning ruby is because it is the
scripting language for Google sketchup.

And now it looks as if I shall wish to learn another little language, at
least to 'dabble-in' level: Lua, because it is going to srcipt a new
variation in the TeX world.

But neither has a cat-in-hell's chance of replacing python anytime
soon, as far as I am concerned.

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